A New Mother Brings Up Her Baby to Your Clinic the Child Has Microcephaly

Alainah Therrien, who is 15 months old, in the lap of her grandmother, Heather Crossman, with her great grandmother, Rosalie Wherity, in Dennis Port, Mass. Alainah was given a diagnosis of microcephaly before birth.

Credit... Shiho Fukada for The New York Times

The images pouring out of Brazil are haunting: struggling newborns with misshapen heads, cradled by mothers who badly want to know whether their babies will ever walk or talk.

There may exist thousands of these children in Brazil, and scientists fear thousands more than might come every bit the Zika virus leaps beyond Latin America and the Caribbean. But the hitting deformity at the center of the epidemic, microcephaly, is not new: It has pained families beyond the globe and mystified experts for decades.

For parents, having a kid with microcephaly tin can mean a life of uncertainty. The diagnosis normally comes halfway through pregnancy, if at all; the crusade may never exist determined — Zika virus is but suspected in the Brazilian cases, while many other factors are well documented. And no one tin say what the hereafter might hold for a particular child with microcephaly.

For doctors, the diagnosis means an ailment with no handling, no cure and no articulate prognosis. If the status surges, information technology will significantly burden a generation of new parents for decades.

Dr. Hannah M. Tully, a neurologist at Seattle Children's Infirmary, sees the pain regularly, especially amid expectant parents who have just been told that an ultrasound showed their child to be microcephalic: "a terrible situation with which to exist confronted in a pregnancy," she said.

An estimated 25,000 babies receive a microcephaly diagnosis each year in the U.s.a.. Microcephaly simply means that the baby's head is abnormally modest — sometimes just because the parents themselves have unusually small-scale heads.

"By itself, information technology doesn't necessarily mean you have a neurological problem," said Dr. Marc C. Patterson, a pediatric neurologist at the Mayo Clinic Children'south Center in Rochester, Minn.

But microcephaly can portend significant brain damage, besides. The virtually severe cases can be detected before nascence with ultrasound scans, but unremarkably only toward the end of the 2nd trimester, at about 24 weeks.

Virtually expectant mothers have ultrasound exams at about 20 weeks, however, so the condition can exist missed. Many parents learn their kid is microcephalic merely after nascence, when the newborn'southward head is measured.

Fifty-fifty when it is fabricated early, the diagnosis raises difficult questions. Ballgame is generally legal in the U.s.a. only until the fetus is viable outside the womb, which tin can range from 24 to 26 weeks.

That leaves parents little time for an enormously difficult decision, complicated by doctors' inability to say what the effects of microcephaly might exist.

Prognoses for these children vary widely. At to the lowest degree 10 percent have no mental deficits at all.

Others are highly functional, albeit with intellectual disabilities. Withal others are greatly disabled, in wheelchairs with express ability to communicate and fed through a gastric tube.

"Families have very little time to have the necessary studies, become the results, process their thoughts and make a determination before they reach the legal limits of termination," Dr. Tully said.

Melissa and Peter Therrien, of Brewster, Mass., faced that choice when they learned that their daughter had a very small skull, after an ultrasound during Mrs. Therrien's 24th calendar week of pregnancy.

"I felt heartbroken," Mrs. Therrien, 21, said. "The medico gave me the selection to terminate the pregnancy." But, she said, "I couldn't do that."

Their daughter, Alainah, is now fifteen months old, but her development is uncertain. She can walk, although doctors said she might not, and she is given to peals of laughter, Mrs. Therrien said.

All the same Alainah speaks just iii words: Mama, Papa and "aba," which she uses to describe various objects. She can use sign language to say she is hungry. She has passed some standard milestones, but her parents do non know how far she volition progress. Doctors at Boston Children's Hospital volition not know the extent of damage to her encephalon for nine months or so. She may still take seizures and profound disability.

"Information technology'due south just tough," said Peter Therrien, 26. "There's naught nosotros can do to fix it. We'll pretty much exist walking on eggshells for the remainder of our lives."

If the cause of microcephaly is determined, it can give some clues to how children will fare.

Certain genetic conditions are linked to microcephaly, amongst them Down syndrome. Pregnant women who are desperately malnourished, have diabetes or consume alcohol are as well more likely to accept children with microcephaly.

Microcephaly can develop after birth in children with some genetic disorders, and in some infants deprived of oxygen during labor whose injured brains stop growing in their first few years.

Merely of particular business to researchers at present is that microcephaly can exist caused by infections, including toxoplasmosis, German measles and cytomegalovirus, a ubiquitous virus.

Zika virus may soon join the list. If it does cause microcephaly, it is a rare complication. No increases in microcephaly are conclusively linked to the virus outside Brazil, although French Polynesia is investigating a pocket-size number of neurological issues in babies after an outbreak there.

No such problems were seen in the commencement advisedly studied Zika outbreak, which was on Yap Isle in Micronesia in 2007. But Yap has fewer than 12,000 residents. The current outbreak is the commencement in which scientists have seen the virus invade a large continent where no ane is immune.

Experts say it may be no surprise that a real but rare complexity comes to low-cal but when millions of adults are infected. There may take been surges in microcephaly when Zika reached Asia from Africa old in the last century, only genetic techniques to distinguish information technology from other illnesses did not exist and so.

When caused by such an infection, microcephaly tin can lead to "a meaning volume loss of brain tissue" and "consummate loss of the employ of their limbs," said Dr. Ganeshwaran H. Mochida, a neurologist at Boston Children's Hospital and Alainah's doctor.

In Brazil, researchers say they are seeing a disproportionate number of microcephalic infants with what appear to be severe deformities, many with four hitting malformations at one time: a big degree of brain tissue loss; unusually shine, wrinkleless brains; many calcium deposits; and smaller cerebellums, which play a role in motor control.

"We can meet many of these findings in other congenital infections," said Dr. Albert I. Ko, an infectious-diseases specialist at Yale School of Public Health who is helping Brazilian health officials put together a report of Zika infection and nascence defects. "It's the degree and blueprint of findings that presumably brand Zika different, and perhaps unique."

Dr. Ko, who is among the few American scientists to have reviewed brain scans of microcephalic infants in Brazil, fears that many accept a "poor prognosis."

But Dr. Patterson cautioned that it is hard to predict the future of whatsoever microcephalic kid.

"It is premature to brand predictions so early in the class of this apparent outbreak," he said. "I doubtable that, equally in other intrauterine infections, there will be a spectrum of outcomes."

There is no fashion to return a child's head to a normal size or shape. Specialists are left to draw clues to a child's prognosis from his or her early development.

"It's nonetheless very hard to tell people what to expect," said Dr. Constantine A. Stratakis, a pediatric geneticist and a scientific managing director at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Evolution. "Yous accept to see whether the child meets the milestones, and y'all act accordingly."

Dr. Patterson noted, "I ever desire to emphasize the positive side. I tell them, 'We volition monitor your kid carefully, then that if information technology turns out the child is having concrete difficulty or cerebral difficulty, nosotros tin ensure they get all the help they need.' "

The Therriens alternate between optimism and cynicism, waiting for the tests that will provide clues to Alainah'south course.

"My biggest worry is her future," said Mrs. Therrien, who likewise has a half-dozen-twelvemonth-old daughter without microcephaly.

"Is she ever going to be able to live a life like her sis will?"


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/01/health/microcephaly-spotlighted-by-zika-virus-has-long-afflicted-and-mystified.html

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