I Caught a Flu Felt Better Now Im Sick Again


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Posted 26 August 2012 - 11:52 PM


Basically, I've pretty much been ill for three weeks now. Information technology all started with me getting a "normal" influenza - hit me out of nowhere during the day, had a fever for most iii days, felt weak and had really sore muscles for about five days. After five days the sore muscles had all vanished, the fever was gone after 3 days but still felt a little off. Just when I thought I was getting better I concluded upwards with a sore throat and felt that I was out of energy. This continued for another 3-4 days.

I usually practice v days a week, but have been skipping the training considering of my affliction. I did nevertheless return 2 days after I was feeling better, which appeared to be a mistake. I actually felt a 100% all up until the training session, felt fatigued and when I woke up the day later the symptoms had returned and worsened. Just a sore throat and a strange feeling of being fatigued. I took another calendar week off to brand sure I was getting a 100% good for you, with the fatigue persisting throughout the whole week, I returned to do again and the exact aforementioned thing happened once more. The sore throat came back and the exact aforementioned thing of being fatigued. I haven't had a runny nose and haven't been coughing at all, just this feeling when yous take a common cold and your throat feels thick and dry and information technology hurts when yous swallow. After both training sessions I've as well been experiencing swollen/sore lymph nodes.

I visited a doctor about this last calendar week (afterward two weeks of being sick), he subscribed me Mucosolvan for my throat and ii vitamin-medicines, Pharmaton and Sulbutiamine to take once a mean solar day for a whole month. He besides said I could return to preparation after iii days without any bug. Is this anything I should worry about or is information technology only a cold that takes its time?

I apologize for the long text.
Thanks in accelerate.

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#2 Luminosity

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:55 AM

Something is going on but I'm not sure what. Don't know enough about your nutrition, environment, or medical history to say.

I would not take any Western medicines designed to suppress symptoms. I think that just causes more problems. There is a Chinese medicine that helps with some sore and swollen throats called Andrographis or Chuan Xin Lian. It works. It might be hard to find. You could probably mail order information technology.

Eastward World Trade Winds has it. They are honest, but a pain in the ass. You can as well use the info in that location to find the pill elsewhere. I prefer the pill class of the 2 forms they offer. I really don't similar the packets.


I would avoid cold food and drink. In Chinese medicine these are bad, specially now. Beverage hot drinks. Avoid dairy, hydrogenated oil, fried food, sugar and junk food right now. Let cold food and drinks come to room temperature. Investigate whether something in your nutrition, life, environment or home doesn't agree with y'all and is causing this. What happened right before this began? Practice you take hidden nutrient allergies/sensitivities? Some people are allergic to oatmeal. Some people are intolerant of too much dairy. For congestion, Pu-erh tea, a type of black tea is good, but other blackness or green teas can be helpful. Drinkable them hot and plainly.

If you can find a skillful acupuncturist, he or she may be of assistance. I wrote a thread virtually how to notice a good 1 hither:


Beware of existence cold, especially if you swim. Continue warm. Alter out of wet wearing apparel. Take a hot drink before and/or after pond. If yous don't have a problem with booze, putting a half teaspoon of brandy in a hot drink helps prevent colds.

Eat well. Have some hot soup and steamed vegetables.

Edited past Luminosity, 27 August 2012 - 04:07 AM.

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#3 arska

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 12:53 PM


What I would do is to get UVB exposure between 11AM-2PM for thirty minutes. Be advised that some medicines might make y'all more than sensitive to UV.
An other way is to supplement D3 (cholecalciferol) 10000 IU during the symptoms persist. Information technology is a expert idea to check your blood 25(OH)D level as well and maintain it at the optimal levels whole yr.

http://world wide web.vitamindcouncil.org/



Edited by arska, 27 August 2012 - 01:00 PM.

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#iv Godot

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 02:09 PM

This has happened to me in the past. Sometimes you just get freaky viruses that hang around. Lactoferrin and NAC (+vitamin C) should knock it out within a couple days.

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#5 Aquafeet

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:03 PM

Something is going on but I'm not sure what. Don't know enough about your diet, environment, or medical history to say.

I would non take whatever Western medicines designed to suppress symptoms. I think that simply causes more bug. There is a Chinese medicine that helps with some sore and bloated throats called Andrographis or Chuan Xin Lian. Information technology works. Information technology might be hard to find. Yous could probably postal service order it.

East Earth Trade Winds has it. They are honest, simply a pain in the ass. You can likewise use the info at that place to find the pill elsewhere. I prefer the pill class of the two forms they offer. I actually don't like the packets.


I would avoid cold food and drinkable. In Chinese medicine these are bad, especially at present. Drink hot drinks. Avoid dairy, hydrogenated oil, fried food, sugar and junk food right now. Let cold food and drinks come up to room temperature. Investigate whether something in your diet, life, environment or home doesn't hold with y'all and is causing this. What happened right before this began? Do you have hidden food allergies/sensitivities? Some people are allergic to oatmeal. Some people are intolerant of too much dairy. For congestion, Pu-erh tea, a blazon of blackness tea is good, but other black or green teas tin be helpful. Drink them hot and obviously.

If y'all can discover a good acupuncturist, he or she may be of aid. I wrote a thread about how to find a good 1 hither:


Beware of being common cold, especially if you swim. Keep warm. Change out of wet dress. Have a hot beverage before and/or after swimming. If you don't take a problem with alcohol, putting a half teaspoon of brandy in a hot potable helps preclude colds.

Eat well. Accept some hot soup and steamed vegetables.

Thank you for your reply! Well, basically I beginning everyday with a basin of oatmeal+2f fruits, my dejeuner, dinner and snacks are pretty healthy. Chicken/fish and lots of vegetables with rice/boiled potatoes. I'yard always trying to make sure I go all the nutrients I need from my food. I will await upwardly that chinese medicine.

Well it is interesting that you lot say that, two weeks before I got sick I was grooming very hard, 7 training sessions per calendar week within five days with sabbatum and sun as balance. Merely I felt information technology was getting me exhausted so I cut it down to just 4 classes a week to build my intensity upwards. I have heard about overtraining before, but feels a bit strange that information technology'd be it since I already cut downwardly the preparation by almost 50% two weeks earlier. I haven't had any allergies except for dry skins during the wintertime and being a bit sensitive to apples (my mouth ordinarily gets dry after eating information technology), simply I have been eating alot of oatmeal for the last 2-3 months, perhaps something may have developed from information technology. Will stay away from information technology for a while. I drinkable 3-4 cups of ginger tea a day to sooth my throat, will look for some green tea aswell. I rarely swallow junk food and sugar and accept been laying off the alcohol for about 2 months now due being more serious with my preparation, and then thats no worry. :) Cheers again for your reply!


What I would do is to get UVB exposure between 11AM-2PM for 30 minutes. Be advised that some medicines might make you more sensitive to UV.
An other mode is to supplement D3 (cholecalciferol) 10000 IU during the symptoms persist. Information technology is a good idea to check your claret 25(OH)D level every bit well and maintain information technology at the optimal levels whole yr.




Thanks alot, I will do so!

This has happened to me in the past. Sometimes yous just get freaky viruses that hang around. Lactoferrin and NAC (+vitamin C) should knock it out within a couple days.

Yeah, really strange. Never have I been sick this long before and it is actually frustrating. Will read up on Lactoferrin. Thanks! :)

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#6 niner

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 03:51 PM

Sounds like a secondary infection. Ofttimes these are bacterial, though your description doesn't sound evidently bacterial. Did your md dominion out a bacterial infection? Any it is, vitamin D wouldn't injure. It will probably get ameliorate in time, merely I'm sure you'd like to speed up the process.

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#vii Aquafeet

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Posted 27 August 2012 - 05:09 PM

Well to be honest with y'all I practice not know for sure. I am in a strange country and exercise not speak the language on a total fluent level. Basically he said that he thought my "tiredness" was because of my previous influenza and would get away afterward a while with these vitamins and that I just had caught a common cold while my immune system was lower than usual. Yes, will make sure to go some extra vitamin D in my body. Thank you!

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#8 Luminosity

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 04:fourteen AM

A number of health conscious people are getting zapped by hidden oat allergies because they swallow oatmeal every morning in an attempt to be healthy. Their symptoms are difficult to connect to the oats. They can be a consistent hacking cough with mucous in the lungs, or mimic a cold or flu.

An alternative to oatmeal is brown rice cereal also called farina or cream of rice. You can buy this. Information technology is made past Cherry-red Mill or Lundberg in the U.s., among others. You can also grind up brown rice in a grinder. I prefer long grain. I use eight times as much h2o as cereal and a little salt. I bring the water to a boil, add the rice a niggling at a time while stirring. Stir for a few minutes, pass up to medium while stirring periodically, then depression. Cook thoroughly until information technology reaches a porridge-similar trend. Watch for exploding bubbles. It'south best to brand a large pot at one time and freeze some of it in individual servings.The directions on the packages are wrong, it takes more water and fourth dimension to cook. I eat this with unsweetened almond milk. I like Blue Diamond Brand in the US.

You can also eat steamed barley every bit a breakfast cereal. In Chinese medicine it is believed to rid your body of excess mucous. I would again, use more h2o and time to cook this than recipes say. It tastes like cardboard, purchase y'all tin can doctor information technology with ginger, citrus peel, cinnamon, vanilla, etc.

You seem very intelligent and I'grand sure you volition figure this out.

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#nine Luminosity

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Posted 02 September 2012 - 05:59 AM

I tin't edit my last post, but it is best to use a heavier pot to brand the brown rice cereal or barley. Blueish Diamond Make refers to almond milk.

You lot can decaffeinate any tea. You merely steep the tea bag in a little hot h2o for about a infinitesimal and discard that water. Then you brand tea with the tea bag as normal. Based on what you've told me, hot plain black tea might exist helpful, especially Pu-erh tea. You can mail order Uncle Lee'south Pu-erh tea from Vitacost. East Earth Merchandise Winds might have it as might any mail order source of Chinese medicines. Uncle Lee'due south is a good brand. Pu-erh is a Chinese tea from the Yunnan province and information technology isn't that piece of cake to notice, but it can be institute if you try. Mayhap in Chinatown or wherever Chinese Medicines are sold. I always similar to keep it on hand if I start coming down with a cold or flu or am exposed to certain toxins or too much greasy nutrient. It breaks stuff down.

Edited past Luminosity, 02 September 2012 - 06:07 AM.

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#10 mitomutant

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Posted 11 September 2012 - 06:07 PM

two weeks before I got sick I was training very hard, 7 grooming sessions per week inside 5 days with sat and sun equally residual

Information technology could be over-grooming syndrome. Do y'all railroad train endurance or weight lifting ?

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#11 Matt

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Posted 13 September 2012 - 08:58 PM

Quite normal if you've had the real flu. You lot can feel fatigued for a month or even longer. I know I was feeling like absolute crap and no energy at all for a month. Postal service viral fatigue. I've but had the flu once in the last x years and what you lot describe is similar to how I was.

Edited by Matt, 13 September 2012 - 08:59 PM.

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#12 Aquafeet

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Posted 16 September 2012 - 03:34 PM

A number of health witting people are getting zapped by hidden oat allergies because they eat oatmeal every forenoon in an endeavour to be healthy. Their symptoms are hard to connect to the oats. They tin can be a consistent hacking coughing with mucous in the lungs, or mimic a cold or influenza.

An alternative to oatmeal is brown rice cereal as well called farina or cream of rice. You can buy this. It is fabricated by Crimson Manufacturing plant or Lundberg in the U.s., amongst others. Y'all tin can too grind up chocolate-brown rice in a grinder. I adopt long grain. I employ eight times as much h2o every bit cereal and a trivial salt. I bring the water to a boil, add together the rice a little at a time while stirring. Stir for a few minutes, turn down to medium while stirring periodically, then low. Melt thoroughly until it reaches a porridge-similar trend. Picket for exploding bubbles. Information technology's best to make a big pot at one time and freeze some of information technology in individual servings.The directions on the packages are wrong, information technology takes more than water and time to melt. I eat this with unsweetened almond milk. I like Blue Diamond Brand in the U.s.a..

Y'all tin also eat steamed barley as a breakfast cereal. In Chinese medicine it is believed to rid your body of excess mucous. I would again, use more water and time to cook this than recipes say. It tastes similar paper-thin, buy yous tin doctor it with ginger, citrus peel, cinnamon, vanilla, etc.

You seem very intelligent and I'one thousand sure you volition figure this out.

I can't edit my last post, but it is best to use a heavier pot to brand the brownish rice cereal or barley. Bluish Diamond Brand refers to almond milk.

Yous can decaffeinate any tea. You lot just steep the tea bag in a little hot h2o for about a infinitesimal and discard that water. Then you lot brand tea with the tea bag as normal. Based on what you've told me, hot obviously blackness tea might be helpful, especially Pu-erh tea. You lot tin mail order Uncle Lee's Pu-erh tea from Vitacost. East Earth Trade Winds might have it as might any post lodge source of Chinese medicines. Uncle Lee's is a good make. Pu-erh is a Chinese tea from the Yunnan province and it isn't that piece of cake to discover, simply it can be establish if you endeavor. Possibly in Chinatown or wherever Chinese Medicines are sold. I always like to keep information technology on mitt if I offset coming down with a cold or flu or am exposed to certain toxins or besides much greasy food. It breaks stuff down.

Thanks alot for the advices Luminosity, very appreciated!

two weeks before I got sick I was grooming very hard, vii training sessions per calendar week within 5 days with sat and lord's day as rest

Information technology could be over-training syndrome. Exercise you train endurance or weight lifting ?

Endurance-orientated. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Kickboxing. That idea have crossed my mind, cause I highered the corporeality of training significantly within a brusque menstruation of time, not really letting the body accommodate to the training slowly...

Quite normal if you've had the real flu. You tin can experience fatigued for a month or even longer. I know I was feeling similar absolute crap and no free energy at all for a month. Post viral fatigue. I've only had the flu in one case in the final 10 years and what yous describe is like to how I was.

So information technology could have been a 'real' or 'bad' flu. I am nevertheless feeling a lot meliorate now.

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#13 Luminosity

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Posted 18 September 2012 - 03:xxx AM

Glad you are feeling ameliorate.

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Source: https://www.longecity.org/forum/topic/58371-persisting-flucoldfatigue-for-3-weeks/

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