Are You Planning to Break School Rules Yet Again Harry Potter

Hello everyone, welcome to our Walkthrough for Chapter Two of Yr Two of Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery. In the previous Affiliate, you arrived back at Hogwarts after spending your summer holidays. You attended the welcoming ceremony, during which you lot realized that your friend, Ben Copper is missing. Sadly, no ane you asked knew where Ben is, then you decided to bank check some of his hiding places. You went to the artefact room. There, you managed to find a note which pointed to Slytherin (or Gryffindor if you are Slytherin or Ravenclaw) Common Room. Rowan decided to come up with a plan to sneak in in that location, while y'all demand to figure out how to avert their Prefect. At that place is one hour of waiting fourth dimension until you tin proceed with the story part. Unfortunately, lessons won't exist available until you progress through the story, then the best form of action would be to await until the timer runs out.

[Disclaimer: Walkthrough for this chapter has been updated in Oct 2021.]

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Hit the GO button and keep to your Common Room to continue with the story in one case the waiting time is over.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

When you get there y'all'll observe that some students have speech bubbling in a higher place them. Tap on those to cheque out what they have to say.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Once you've done that, tap on the exclamation mark to start the conversation with Rowan. He'll tell you lot his plan to enter the Slytherin (or Gryffindor) Common Room. It involves the use of shrinking and growing charms. He'll ask for your opinion about it. You lot take three possible options to respond with.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Each of those will laurels you with five points in an attribute, merely the outcome is pretty much the aforementioned – you'll decide to stick with his plan. 1 of the bug is the Slytherin (or Gryffindor) Prefect, and so you volition accept to do something virtually it. That is your next task. However, in that location is a three-hour waiting menses before you tin proceed, then you can either await a bit or spend some gems to speed up the process. Since there is no need to rush the story, it is recommended to merely await until this timer expires.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Once the waiting time is over, hit the Get push button to continue.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

You'll become to Slytherin Common Room where you'll encounter Felix Rosier, the Slytherin Prefect. Annotation that this function is unlike if you lot are playing a Slytherin or Ravenclaw grapheme – in which example yous will get exterior of Gryffindor'due south Common Room and see their Prefect Angelica. Still, the gameplay aspects are fairly similar with very minor differences. After a bit of talking, you'll try to convince the Prefect that students from your house are planning to prank their business firm. The Prefect will exist awfully suspicious, so yous'll have two options.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

It is recommended to select the option to trick the Prefect since that one will award you with 10 Empathy points, and will also make your plan go much smoother. After a bit more talking, the Prefect will be convinced to stay at the Quidditch match until it ends. Your adjacent task is to acquire Reducio spell. Head to the Charms classroom one time yous are fix to proceed.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

To unlock Reducio lesson, y'all need to earn a total of seven stars from the Charms Course. The fastest way to do so is by completing an 8-hour and a two-hour lesson. But if you want to get some additional attribute and house points, y'all tin get with two eight-hour classes. When you are ready, hit the start push to begin.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

For these classes, but follow the aforementioned steps as with any other Charms class. Complete deportment by tapping on the glowing objects. This will make full up the star meter and eventually grant you stars. Prioritize v-cost actions if you want to save some energy.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Each time you earn a star, you lot'll receive a mini-job. Completing 1 of those will accolade you with ten Empathy points, so information technology's in your all-time interest to succeed at them.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

When yous are done, tap on the Collect button to continue. After earning all vii stars, Reducio lesson should exist unlocked, and then head back to the classroom to attend it.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

When you get at that place, you'll run across that some of the students want to tell you lot something. Tap on their spoken communication bubbles to see what they accept to say.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

In one case you've washed that, tap on the exclamation mark to start the chat with Professor Flitwick. You'll talk to him about the effects of the shrinking charm. Afterwards a bit of talking, he'll ask if you are planning to pause the school rules once more. He will insist that you exist honest with him. Yous have two options.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Information technology is recommended that y'all pick the commencement option for two reasons. The first 1 is because it volition exist benign for your relationship with the professor. The 2d one is adequately obvious – this choice volition award y'all with 10 Cognition points. The only downside is that you need level ten noesis to select information technology. Later a bit more talking, the course will beginning. In gild to pass this lesson, you need to earn five stars within 3 hours. Information technology is highly recommended to outset it with full energy, so you lot don't have whatsoever trouble completing information technology. When you are ready, hit the Start button to begin.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Same as earlier, tap on the glowing objects to complete the actions, fill upwardly the star meter and earn stars.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Too, pay attention to the mini-tasks, since completing each of those is worth x Empathy points.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Later yous go the fifth star, you'll exist tasked with casting Reducio. Trace the path on the screen to successfully bandage the spell.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

You volition earn the achievement for completing the lesson.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Congratulations! Now you take all the components of your plan fix. The next task is to meet with Rowan for a final discussion virtually information technology. Tap on the GO push button and keep to the Slap-up Hall.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Once you go there, you'll detect the voice communication bubbling above some of the students. Tap on them to check out what they have to say to yous.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Afterward, tap on the exclamation mark to initiate the conversation with Rowan. After a bit of talking, you'll notice that he is pretty upset near the whole state of affairs with Ben's disappearance, so it's up to you to cheer him up. Tap on the handshake icon to open the job window. It will brandish the recommended aspect levels for this task every bit well as the price of it. When you are ready, hit the Start push button to brainstorm.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Basically, this job is pretty similar to the Meal With a Friend mini-game, then in order to pass, you need to select the answers that will reassure Rowan the almost. Merely exist supportive and select the friendliest options and you should have no problem completing this in three or four turns. Below are some of the questions and the answers for this job.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

When yous're done, tap on the Collect button to continue. You'll notice that Rowan is feeling much better now, and after some more talking, he volition ask you to promise non to keep secrets from him.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

This choice is entirely up to y'all, only honestly, Rowan has earned your trust so far and he was the 1 person you lot could always rely on, and then choosing to hope him this should exist perfectly normal. After, you'll talk with him a bit more and that would exist the end of Chapter Two of Twelvemonth Ii. Hit the Collect button to claim your rewards.

Harry Potter Hogwarts Mystery Walkthrough Year 2 Chapter 2

The second year of your Hogwarts studies has just begun and things are already getting very interesting. Thanks for reading!

Yous tin check out our video playthrough of Chapter 2 HERE

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